Medical Billing Facts

Fact: Insurance carriers spend in excess of $19 billion annually processing paper claims.

Fact: Healthcare providers spend more than $7 billion annually just submitting claims to carriers.

Fact: According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the U.S. Healthcare System wastes up to 24 cents out of every dollar on administrative and billing costs, or in excess of $6 billion annually.

Fact: 30 to 35% of all paper claims are rejected due to typo's, errors and omissions.

Fact: Less than 1% of electronic claims are rejected.

Fact: An electronic claim takes just seconds to prepare.

Fact: Most electronic claims are processed for payment by carriers within 24 hours.

Fact: Electronic claims cost healthcare providers between $1.50 and $3.00 depending on volume, specialty and other factors.

Fact: Using paper claims submission, reimbursement takes an average of 90 to 120 days.

Fact: Electronic claims are paid within 7-21 days.

Fact: Reports show that the average healthcare provider has more than $150,000 in outstanding accounts receivables.

Fact: Electronic Claims Submission can reduce outstanding accounts receivables by more than 60%.

Fact: Coding errors for surgical procedures eats up about $6 billion annually in unneeded costs.

Fact: Medicare provides healthcare coverage to some 35 million people over age 65.

Fact: The social Security Administration estimated some 2.2 million people turned 65 in the year 2003.

Fact: That number will rise to 4.2 million in the year 2027. In all, 74.9 million people will turn 65 during the next 25 year period, creating a future of opportunity.


  1. How Does Pricing Work in Medical Billing? The most familiar question medical billing companies hear, “What are your prices?” It’s an entirely reasonable question. After all, price is a sizable component in any business decision.

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