Medicaid rejection list - 3

Medicaid Claim Denial Codes

A0 Patient refund amount.A1 Claim denied charges.
A2 Contractual adjustment.
Note: Inactive for version 004060. Use Code 45 with Group Code 'CO' or use another
appropriate specific adjustment code.
A3 Medicare Secondary Payer liability met.
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 6/98.
A4 Medicare Claim PPS Capital Day Outlier Amount.
A5 Medicare Claim PPS Capital Cost Outlier Amount.
A6 Prior hospitalization or 30 day transfer requirement not met.
A7 Presumptive Payment Adjustment
A8 Claim denied; ungroupable DRG
B1 Non-covered visits.
B2 Covered visits.
Note: Inactive for 003040
B3 Covered charges.
Note: Inactive for 003040
B4 Late filing penalty.
B5 Payment adjusted because coverage/program guidelines were not met or were
Note: Changed as of 2/01
B6 This payment is adjusted when performed/billed by this type of provider, by this type
of provider in this type of facility, or by a provider of this specialty.
Note: Changed as of 2/01. This code will be deactivated on 2/1/2006.
B7 This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this
date of service.
Note: Changed as of 10/98
B8 Claim/service not covered/reduced because alternative services were available, and should have been utilized.

B9 Services not covered because the patient is enrolled in a Hospice.
B10 Allowed amount has been reduced because a component of the basic procedure/test
was paid. The beneficiary is not liable for more than the charge limit for the basic
B11 The claim/service has been transferred to the proper payer/processor for processing.
Claim/service not covered by this payer/processor.
B12 Services not documented in patients' medical records.
B13 Previously paid. Payment for this claim/service may have been provided in a previous
B14 Payment denied because only one visit or consultation per physician per day is
Note: Changed as of 2/01
B15 Payment adjusted because this procedure/service is not paid separately.
Note: Changed as of 2/01
B16 Payment adjusted because `New Patient' qualifications were not met.
Note: Changed as of 2/01
B17 Payment adjusted because this service was not prescribed by a physician, not
prescribed prior to delivery, the prescription is incomplete, or the prescription is not
Note: Changed as of 2/01. This code will be deactivated on 2/1/2006.
B18 Payment adjusted because this procedure code and modifier were invalid on the date
of service
Note: Changed as of 2/01, 6/05
B19 Claim/service adjusted because of the finding of a Review Organization.
Note: Inactive for 003070
B20 Payment adjusted because procedure/service was partially or fully furnished by
another provider.
Note: Changed as of 2/01
B21 The charges were reduced because the service/care was partially furnished by another
Note: Inactive for 003040
B22 This payment is adjusted based on the diagnosis.
Note: Changed as of 2/01
B23 Payment denied because this provider has failed an aspect of a proficiency testing
Note: Changed as of 2/01
D1 Claim/service denied. Level of subluxation is missing or inadequate.
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 2/99. Use code 16 and remark codes if necessary.
D2 Claim lacks the name, strength, or dosage of the drug furnished.
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 2/99. Use code 16 and remark codes if necessary.
D3 Claim/service denied because information to indicate if the patient owns the
equipment that requires the part or supply was missing.
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 2/99. Use code 16 and remark codes if necessary.
D4 Claim/service does not indicate the period of time for which this will be needed.
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 2/99. Use code 16 and remark codes if necessary.
D5 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks individual lab codes included in the test.
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 2/99. Use code 16 and remark codes if necessary.
D6 Claim/service denied. Claim did not include patient's medical record for the service.
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 2/99. Use code 16 and remark codes if necessary.
D7 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks date of patient's most recent physician visit.
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 2/99. Use code 16 and remark codes if necessary.
D8 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks indicator that `x-ray is available for review.'
Note: Inactive for 004010, since 2/99. Use code 16 and remark codes if necessary

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